Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Challenge Your Limits

I started by changing the size of each word to emphasize it's importance in the image. 'Challenge' is bigger than 'your,' but it is smaller than 'LIMITS.' Also the color change between the first two words and Limits draws attention to the idea of the image. I added in the faded 'NO' to add double meaning to the image. It is mostly transparent, but still easily recognizable. It is shifted from the baseline, appearing higher and somewhat intersected with the word 'limits.' The words are not justified in any particular way; they were placed to offset the background color and to draw more attention to themselves. Obviously the white words are emphasized more, which is the whole point.

1 comment:

  1. The double meaning is cool idea. For me it reads left to right beginning with the "no," maybe repositioning it would help that.
