Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I for one am fascinated with everything to do with the outer space, especially since there are just so many different colors out there from all the amazing sights and discoveries.

So, for this assignment I decided I would have some fun looking at what types of hues are in a supernova. I found this picture online and decided to upload it on Kuler. I know that by immediately looking at this image you wouldn't think that there are too many colors. However, I got the following color scheme back.

I was pretty impressed with the subtle, yet striking differences in the tones in this color scheme. These colors are obviously not contemporary, but are rather harmonious to each other on the color wheel. Each color in this scheme is a shade of the other. I decided to then take this color scheme created by Kuler and make it into my own unique design. I decided to make my own unique individual stars and spread out the harmonious colors among them. I created the rays coming out of the center of the image to give off the impression of the star bursting out. I really liked how this turned out.

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