Wednesday, October 16, 2013

If you lack courage, this might help.

My life seems to go through phases where there are themes or lessons I need to learn. Right now life is teaching me about courage. I seem to find myself fearing what I've never feared before, and that is, to say the least, frightening. This poem comes to my mind often when I feel like giving up, being afraid sometimes looks more enticing like the dark and deep woods. Yet this life is worth living and even worth suffering through. Napoleon Bonaparte is quoted as having said, "It requires more courage to suffer than to die."

Colors for me are something on the verge of sacred, I believe God made them so we could more fully understand our emotions. They are another medium to try and express the infinitely vast and incomprehensible things I feel on a daily basis.

These colors perfectly express emotions to me,
it's not that they are depressing, yet just like snow and ice are immobilizing because of their extreme temperature. Fear can get in the way, however there really are many miles for me to travel before my life is over.

Derek Jacobs

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