Thursday, October 17, 2013


Using the Kuler tool, I created a complementary multidimensional color scheme comprised of greens and red-oranges. The central color is essentially a standard digital green with a little bit of blue. Moving left of center there is first a muted tint and then a shade of the central color and in both of these hues, the blue expressed in the central color comes through much stronger than it does in the base hue. On the far right is a bright vermillion, or red-orange hue that was shaded and toned to make the darker hue to its immediate left. 

A few months ago, I got home and noticed that a bunch of poppies had popped up on the hill behind my home. They were beautiful, so I picked them and put them in a vase with some water and placed them on the counter. Unfortunately, they were dry and dead by the next morning. When I saw this color scheme pop up on my screen, it reminded me of those poppies and I knew I had to use it. So I picked it and used the watercolor brush on Microsoft Paint to immortalize the flowers that had brought so much beauty to my kitchen counter for one short day a few months ago.

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