Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wedding colors, anyone?

This is perfect timing for an assignment that involves playing with colors! I'm trying to decide on wedding colors right now, and two of my favorite combinations are the turquoise and red, and cobalt blue with mustard yellow. I'm not quite sure how the seafoam green got in the color mix, but I guess it adds some fun. When I used the Adobe Kuler website, both of these color combinations came up on the same slate just by adjusting in the analagous color rule. The mustard color is a shade of yellow (basic yellow with some gray added), while the cobalt is a hue that lies on the color wheel naturally, although it probably leans way closer to purple than green. The turquoise I chose is a tint, because it is lighter than other blues and definitely has some white in it. The red is a hue that naturally occurs on the color wheel, and the seafoam green is a tint of the basic green that we see on the color wheel.

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