Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I have to confess I have an fashion blogs. One in particular, titled "Atlantic-Pacific" is a sea of high fashion outfits, one right after the other. This particular image stood out to me because of the pink colors reflected not only in her outfit, but also in the surrounding scenery. Here is the image from her blog that my color scheme was based off of: 
Adobe Kuler gave me these colors based off of the image above (I can't figure out how to attach just the color scheme, so here is the link in case you would like to take a look):

From this I thought the best way to represent the colors from a fashion image would be to advertise the biggest event in the fashion world, Fashion Week. My color scheme displays tint as the lighter pink hue has white added, with the darker hues displayed in adding more grayish tones. The colors used are harmonious as they are placed near each other on the color wheel. 

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