Saturday, January 9, 2016

Downtown Provo

Only the true ballers drink Pepsi-Cola. What an old-school feel! Street ball anyone?

A+B=C. Oh and 18 Tacos.

You can't see them, but there were literally hundreds of birds in this death-bush. This dead, sharp bush ended up being my favorite picture. You can find beauty everywhere.

I guess they REALLY don't want birds landing on those light posts.
I should have added my name to the list.

As I dragged my husband along for this assignment, he made quite an ironic comment. Without knowing much about the criteria for this blog post, he said, "You know, it's funny that I could have driven past here a million times and not seen so much." Ha! That describes my experience perfectly as I looked for things I wouldn't expect to photograph. These small details that I would never normally notice paints an interesting picture of Provo: its artistic culture, hidden detail, and diverse people that I didn't appreciate before. I never expected a basketball hoop with a Pepsi sign attached to it. It made me feel like a little kid and I just wanted to play some one-on-one in the alleyway. I saw hidden messages on signs that might have just been intended to make a passerby smile. A+B=C makes no sense... but I thought the randomness was just kind of fun and it definitely grabbed my attention. There was dust on an air vent on the side of a building that people have written their names and messages in. I noticed these HUGE spikes on these lamp things above a Mexican restaurant; designed to detract birds from landing. Finally, these extremely spikey bushes in them that were FILLED with birds that would sing so loudly until you walked by them. All of these things I saw, heard, and experienced were so new, and I was so surprised! It's amazing what my eye could see when I really looked at the place I was at. It's the little details like these that make Provo unique in its own way.

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