Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mormons: Single-Storied through the Oregon Standoff

A federal wildlife refuge has recently been taken by a group of ranchers and militia members of the community of Burns, Oregon.These occupiers are men who are against the federal government’s ownership of land that they want to use for ranching purposes. The leaders of the group are members of the Bundy family, who have been in the news for land disputes before. The Bundy family is also Mormon, so many sources are framing the story through the lens of these Mormons resisting the government, similar to the early days of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By connecting all Mormons to the members of the Oregon standoff, Mormons are being single-storied.
            The early days of the church were filled with persecution from individuals and the federal government. Ammon Bundy, the leader of the standoff, is reviving that through this standoff. In emails meant to help gain support, he regularly quoted scripture. Leading up to the standoff, he posted a Youtube video talking about the revelation he received that inspired the standoff. While the church remains politically neutral, Bundy is taking the politics of the Mormon church back into its infancy. This causes Mormons as a whole to be viewed as a lawless, government-fighting people. The First Presidency released the following statement:
While the disagreement occurring in Oregon about the use of federal lands is not a Church matter, Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles. This armed occupation can in no way be justified on a scriptural basis. We are privileged to live in a nation where conflicts with government or private groups can — and should — be settled using peaceful means, according to the laws of the land.

           The current leadership of the church is against the standoff, which shows how far the church has come in dealing with the federal government. This standoff is causing Mormons to be placed back in time. Mormons today are not being actively persecuted by the federal government, but the actions of the occupiers of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge could negatively affect the lives of Mormons until the standoff is over.


  1. I do think it is interesting that you mentioned now people think this represents Mormons as a whole. Being placed in the line of fire as a Mormon myself, it helps me realize the damaging effects these single stories have. I don't want other people to think this about me!

  2. Every time someone does something like this I really wish they wouldn't say they are Mormon. It gets really annoying because like you said it could lead to future harm for us. As Mormons we are definitely single storied by stupid acts of people in the media.

  3. I like how you used one event in particular to show that just one outlandish act by a crazy person can put the whole church under fire. It is interesting that just because one person acts one way, people assume all Mormons believe the same.
