Saturday, January 9, 2016

Perception #1: Found My EC in DTP?

I needed to get out and get some exercise this morning, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone...and I almost killed myself in the process by forgetting a coat in sub-30 degree temperatures. All things considered, my exercise run mixed with a leisurely stroll was exciting and refreshing. I could've spent all day looking in the shops and trying out new restaurants, but it was the cool little details in Downtown Provo that really caught my attention. Oh, and I may have just found my eternal companion. Stay tuned.

Hard to read, but it seems to allow you to freely post any flyer as long as you follow the guidelines. Pretty cool! #honorsystem
Found this gem in a back alley. #tickledpinkboutbiking

Who needs Hogwarts when you can live in a church? I guess it makes sense, since the home is next to the temple in sacredness. #PeterPriesthood

I mustache, "Are there witch doctors in Downtown Provo?" #SacredHoop

GeoCa$h. Found these in a box tied to a tree outside of the Provo Police Department. Coffee, a scripture, and possibly eternal salvation. #CallMeMaybe?

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