Sunday, January 10, 2016

Single Story: Gay Women

I chose to talk about this social group because I have 2 lesbian aunts who do not fit the single story of gay women. Most people believe that all gay women are dikes, there is always a man/woman in the relationship, and that they hate men. Most people also believe that gay women are attracted to every single women they see and that leads straight women to think they can't be friends with them or it brings an awkward feeling to the encounter or relationship. These single stories about lesbians put a really strong stereotype on most gay women and many people cant shake that idea or thought.

My aunts are the total opposite of what this single story encompasses. I dropped my stereotype the second I was able to become closer to my aunts. I should have never single storied them into what I used to think. They are both very feminine with long hair and dress better than me most of the time, and 95% of their friends are men. These men include married straight men. In this society when people have an encounter with a social group that they are not part of, the one encounter develops into what they believe is true. Gay women are not attracted to every single women they see, it is quite the opposite. When I mention that I have gay aunts who are in fact married, people have asked me questions about them that include, "So which one is the man in the relationship?" Then when I show them a picture of them they say, "Oh wow they look nothing like I thought they would. They don't even look gay."

The reality of this single story is that people are scared to know or even find out that gay women are in fact normal. Not all have short hair and wear cargos. Most of the time people don't open their eyes to see what really is the truth around them. My aunts are normal women just like the ones that we see everyday. Their beliefs might be different and their sexuality might be different, but the way they dress, talk, joke, and shop is the same as everyone else. The single story of gay women is something that is changing as the ages go because of what media shows us or how the "norm" changes, but many people are still afraid to see the similarities or normalities with gay women. We need to be able to look past these stereotypes and be kind, not judgmental, because friendships could be made and there's no harm in that. Even when we might not have the same views as them on certain things, stereotypes should never be made on someone we don't even know the full story on.


  1. I think it is true that this is sadly the single story we attribute to gay women. I am guilty of it myself. I like how you included a personal example with your aunts. It shows that you know how they really are vs. what our culture portrays them to be.

  2. Great analysis! When I think of a lesbian, I have fallen guilty to believing some of the stereotypes above. This is because of what I have read and seen on TV and the internet, and not from actually meeting or spending time with someone from that culture. I think we all need to realize that these stereotypes are wrong and completely off-base. A great start would be with the media and how they portray these women. Thanks for sharing!
