Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Sneak Peak at the Entertainment Section

 I have an idea for a website I would like to develop. Since the details of the actual website are not very important to this assignment I will spare everyone the details. For this assignment I decided that I wanted to attempt to make, what would be, the "Entertainment Section" of the website using a colour pallet from a music/fashion publication that I like a lot. The publication is called "Nylon for Guys." So I took a quick screen shot of one of their stories and I used Adobe's Kuler to snag the colourful pallet. I kind of wanted the entertainment section to be fun to look at yet serious enough where it didn't look to teen-boppy. I feel that the blue and black do a good job with that. However, I'm honestly not sold on the yellow text. Normally that is bad netiquette to have bright text on a dark screen, but I figured since it was just being used to show tabs and not the story itself that it'd be ok.

And in case anyone is wondering, I lifted the text of the story from the article (here's the link ) that goes with picture on my "webpage." I'm giving the author credit in case someone wants to claim plagiarism. Now I'm covered.

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