Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness

Since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month I decided to make my typography assignment's call to action to help donate to the Breast Cancer Awareness group. I chose this font because I thought that it represented how time is of the essence and the quicker we act and donate to the fund, we come one step closer to finding a cure or treatment for cancer. I wanted to space out the word time (a large amount of kerning) to help illustrate that the clock is ticking and we need to act to help stitch up our current problems. That is why I left the words on the top in a straight line to show stability, and then I spaced out the words to show the need for more support. Also the one letter at a time helps to show that it is important to help one individual at a time. The call to action is not to donate thousands, but just a couple of dollars to the cause, step-by-step, to help slow down cancer. I also chose a ribbon that was fringed to reflect the idea that it can be mended together over time to help save lives.

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