Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Color Theory

I created my color scheme using the 'Compound' option of Kuler, and I'm not really sure where compound falls into the color scheme. It isn't triadic, and two colors, the pale yellow and deeper blue, and just shy of being complementary. The closest comparison we have, I would say, is harmonious, as most of the colors are on the same third of the color wheel.
The main color I used was the soft yellow, which I got as a tint of yellow green. This produced the two opposing colors, the green being harmonious to the yellow, and then again to the blue. These two colors are considerably darker shades that the yellow is, but the fourth and fifth colors were repeats of the green and blue, but tinted comparably to my yellow.
Using three tints to two shades created a very soft set of hues to work with, but also created a rigid contrast. The scheme reminded me of moonlight on a bright night, which is how I made my design.

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