Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DUMBEST Assignment Yet

Typography is not actually influential, what you say through the letters is much more important than how they are presented. So why focus on it? As a society we should be focused on content, not display. The fact that the shiniest advertisement gets the focus is a very regressive way to think. People should be smart enough to seek out what they need and then the ads can do their real job, informing the public on which product is the best for specific needs. That being said, all of the time dedicated to analyzing how certain letters convey certain messages is a waste of effort. That time could be valuably spent actually researching the product so the consumer is happy with the product, instead of some ad. My call to action then is to give up on a useless pursuit.

               In this example I chose to completely ignore any of the rules that we learned in class. I used a very exaggerated, overdone font. I am in fact fairly literate and spelled the words wrong on purpose which may frustrate many of the people who see this. I even spelled stupid wrong which I am sure will cause a reaction of, “Look who’s the stupid one!” about 80% of the time. I put it on a brick wall as if it is graffiti, a widely ignored yet broadly seen format of communication. The words are slightly askew as if the graffiti artist could do absolutely nothing right. All of these elements combine to create the perfect message…

Derek Jacobs

1 comment:

  1. For hating this assignment you ended up making something pretty cool. Nice job.
