Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oh BYU....

*Disclaimer*: This image, or call to action, that I made for this assignment is not meant to offend people. But I do feel that this needs to be said sometimes. That is all.

For my call to action, I am begging students of BYU to slow down in their dating a bit. I literally just ran into a friend who got engaged after a month of meeting someone at this school. People rush into relationships, and often zero in too quickly on "the one." In turn, it seems like people are moving too fast and not giving themselves an adequate amount of time to truly know each other, and deal with experiences such as fights or disagreements before marrying. If we are so focused on finding that eternal companion, why are we taking things so fast? We have ALL OF ETERNITY to be married. That's a really long time.

So I took this message and formatted it into the shape of a temple. Each short message or phrase is distinguished with usually a different typeface, size, or weight. The largest and most notable words first seen are "Calm Down... You Can't Rush Eternity." You can get the condensed version of the message from the biggest words, and then take the time to go over the rest. It's a visually effective way to spread a message and create impact.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. The middle section was bit hard to flow through as far as just reading it, but other than that this turned out great.
