Wednesday, October 23, 2013


For my design, I chose a font with a slight pop art feel to it; its funky vibe engages viewers. However, I also chose the font for its assaulting nature. My message is intended to be direct, so I chose a font that was direct. I switched to a more feminine font for the last word-- "please"-- to emphasize the group of people who are requesting not to be objectified: women.

I used bigger font size when I wanted to grapple the viewer's attention.

When structuring the copy, I separated phrases and placed white boxes beneath them for emphasis.

I tilted the direction of one of the phrases-- "can you tell"-- so that viewers would really stop and think about the question coming their way.

I used red because it is associated with both love and danger. I used black and white to keep the design simple, streamlined and focused on the message.

1 comment:

  1. Cool font choice, it feels like I have been kidnapped.
