Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I was walking to class today and I was looking at the sidewalk, minding my own business and trying not to make eye contact with anyone at eight in the morning, when I saw something interesting on the sidewalk. Crudely written in chalk were the words "Push Yourself." This made me stop and think. It's not often that such simple, yet striking statements are found in unexpected places like the concrete sidewalk next to a building. I thought what better call to action than to push yourself. I later added the "push limits" call to action too because I felt that pushing yourself can mean pushing limits. This was my typography interpretation.

I had a lot of fun manipulating the kerning and tracking, adjusting and rotating the letters, and using the different tools in Illustrator. I like the different messages emphasized through changing the colours, fonts and letter sizing.

1 comment:

  1. Really cool idea. I'm wondering if there is a way to portray the 2 separate ideas of pushing yourself and pushing your limits. Good job though.
