Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I have this odd love of marine documentaries. Sharks, whales, fish, name it. I watched Black Fish a few months ago and since then I've thought of this interesting whale named Tilikum. Tilikum has killed three different trainers. Why? Well perhaps because he was taken from the wild, perhaps they are a species that need to be out in the open ocean and not swimming around in circles, perhaps he never intended to hurt the trainers...or maybe he did. The documentary did not show any of the opposing argument so there may be some things I do not know. All I do know is that this whale has been through a heck of a lot.

I took this picture and cut the corners to make it appear like a fish bowl. The whale you see in this picture is ACTUALLY Tilikum. I used text to convey this sense of being squished, squeezed, and jammed in a small circle. I love how simply the text can convey this feeling of something being round. The font I chose kind of has this "Free Willy" feel to it. I chose the sans serif to also make a statement and grab attention. I hope that all these components within a small circle makes the text stand out and make a viewer feel affection for the animal.  


  1. Great fish eye effect on this.

  2. its Keiko, you can tell by the black marks under his mouth.

  3. thats keiko not tilikum. keiko has 3 black marks under his chin, tili doesnt. type in his name on google and i bet you find this same pic.

  4. The picture youre using, much like the picture on the cover and most of the footage in blackfish, isnt actually Tilikum. This is Keiko, not Tilikum.

  5. Thats keiko not tilikum
    Deputy no assertions on if you do not even know who it is
