Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hue Shoe

For my project I decided I would create a shoe based on a picture I took while I was out hiking. I figure that if you can use the same hues and tones that you'd find in nature, you're more likely to sell the shoe to someone who is a nature enthusiast. Here is the picture:

Here was the color scheme that kuler created for me:

And here is the shoe:

This website didn't allow me to enter the exact hexadecimal, so the colors don't match up exactly with what the huler website provided me, but it is pretty close!

It is interesting that different colors attract a number of different people. This particular color may or may not attract nature enthusiasts. But the earthy tones do provide a very distinct impression of the type of person that would wear this shoe. (Probably only me considering it has my initials on it.) That's beside the point. The point is, it that color speaks volumes for what you are going to represent and why you want the shoe in the first place. That's why marketers are so concerned with color because it has different meanings in different settings. In China red equals power while in America it may represent blood, war, or courage. Another example were to be if I were to really design my own shoe. First I would make sure to have grey, blue, and white as some of the base colors because I love BYU and since I don't mind representing that. While the kuler website doesn't show a triadic relationship between these colors, I still could easily see myself using them for my shoe.

One thing is for sure, I wouldn't want to go red because, well, it speaks for itself.

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