Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fly Like an Eagle

I used kind of an old fashioned font to write "don't walk" to symbolize that this notion of walking is outdated. Where as "fly" is written large and bolded because that's the action--the main message. "Because you can" is written in kind of a scribbled font to show that flying is appealing to "real people." The words "fly like an eagle" are written with kind of floating, scattered letters, which shows that by flying, you have a sense of freedom or weightlessness. I contrasted size, weight, form, structue, and direction to get the message accross and keep people interested. I also implimented baseline shift and justification to the right.

1 comment:

  1. I like the grey letters agains the sun rays. There might be too much going on in the piece for me though. Taking an aspect out of it will most likely make it stronger. Good work.
