Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Color Designz

I really enjoyed working with the kuler adobe page and looking at the themes and schemes. The hard part was using Microsoft Word to figure out how to make something that didn't look like I had made it on Microsoft Word. I went to the "Explore" section of kuler and picked out color schemes I thought looked cool to try make work. I put two up because I like both of these themes and tried to put a message on each one. In the above picture, the mint colored blue is used as the entire background, with the tan, orange, and deep purple taking the hourglass-like shapes. The bright purple is also an accent color in this scheme and I used it to write the word "Time" and show it diminishing. 

The picture below has deeper shades of colors. The magenta hue goes well with the lighter pink, but it's surprising to see the harmony of the blues interact with it as well. I found the shapes on Microsoft and put two words in the corner to create a deeper meaning to the picture. The black background adds a fuller feel and a darker depth to the picture. 

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