Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shapes and Colors

Just kind of a random color scheme shown with shapes and lines. I added some shades to the circles to make them look more 3D. I had to manually match the colors using RGB instead of CMYK in Adobe InDesign from Adobe Kulors. Luckily, the hues and amounts of each color are listed in both, so it made it very easy to reconstruct.

I haven't really thought much about color throughout my life. I worked at Men's Wearhouse where we had to coordinate colors and patterns, but I never thought too hard about the colors themselves. I've even done some messing around on Adobe InDesign, but how to use colors never really crossed my mind. This was a fun project for me. Although this little design probably won't be used anywhere outside this class, it helped me play around with some of the features I haven't used before, especially the color features. I'll be using those a lot more from now on.

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