Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My 'call to action' was instructions for a person who has caught on fire- "STOP, DROP, AND ROLL." I tried to emphasize each individual action by using typography. The "STOP" used a very bold, condensed san-serif font to suggest immediacy and power. The white lettering with red outline was used because of our society's association of the design with stop signs.
I continued the stop sign association by creating a sign post with the second command, "DROP". The falling motion of this command was emphasized by using a very tall but narrow font and writing the word vertically, then increasing the leading between each letter.
To emphasize "AND ROLL" I used a font with exaggerated rounding on the letters, and then adjusted the font size for each letter so that it creates a natural rolling motion when read as a whole.
Sidenote- for some reason Blogger isn't letting me align my text to the left, and I find that very annoying.

1 comment:

  1. I like the feeling that the word roll achieves in this piece. Nice 'un, mate!
