Thursday, October 17, 2013


I decided to make an image based on the colors from a picture of two children in front of a Nicaraguan Sandinista reelection campaign sign. The baby is the child of a family of my converts. I wanted to show how he is unaware of all the darkness around him, but is lost up in the colors and spectacle around him that his questions fade into non existence. He is in innocence, a condition I felt like many people were while I served my mission there.

I think my colors were generally pretty harmonious. Its when I added them to the second image that they began to clash to some degree. 

I also learned so much about myself doing this exercise. It really just take time and creativity to create something new. I think its really important to just trust yourself and dive in when attempting something new like this. Its not as hard as some people make it out to be. 

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