Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Let the wild rumpus start!

Well my illustration didn't turn out nearly as well as those done by Maurice Sendak but at least I tried. I always loved Where The Wild Things Are and thought I'd take some of it's color schemes. The book always seemed kinda dark for a children's book, I mean they talk about eating Max, who does that? As far as color goes it makes sense that there's plenty of darker tones, lots of gray was added to the colors. I'm curious to see how the darker tones would turn out had I made it for a CMYK print. Most of the time gray tones never work well in print. It's very gray overall. As far as color choice, we can see that Sendak chose to use pretty harmonious colors. Not any purples or deep blues to compliment the yellow or green, but it still looks wonderful. I didn't bother to look up the hexadecimals or RGB values, just downloaded the swatch I made in Kuler and opened it in Illustrator. 

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