Monday, January 10, 2011


Going on my cover:


  1. I have to say that this picture did make me want to see your book. I thought the use of space was perfect. I wanted know what the 10,050 words were and what they had to do with the assignment. It was very enticing. Good job.

  2. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. So 10,000 words came from the photos, then I had another 50 words of actual text in the book.

  3. I agree. It's a very clever cover that makes me want to know more. Any chance you could let us know what the 10,050 words are? :)

  4. I love simplicity in design and especially with this cover. Less really is more.

  5. What exactly does the 10,050 words stand for? I really like that the cover makes your book sound a lot more intriguing than if it just said something like, "My picture book."

  6. The description of the title is in the second comment above.

  7. I definitely agree with what was said before---the play on words was good (10 pictures x 1,000 +50 words of text). I also love how the cover text stands out against the solid black background.
