Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Visual Cue

Inception is my all time favorite movie, and it incorporates a lot of originally Spanish ideas interestingly; the dream with in a dream, or is reality just a dream, is not original which you probably already knew. Anyway, to identify the most striking visual cue, I muted the sound and started the movie. Here, Cob looks up from his grits or oatmeal after Sito drops reminders of their "memories" as young men. Cob is now realizing/ remembering what he came to do, and he looks up. The lighting of the room, the shadow and highlight of his face, his dialated pupils, facial expresion, are all brought out by this camera angle, up close and right in front of Cob, practically on the table. The whole cut is better than this one image, and it makes the viewer intrigued. Something important and deep and amazing is happening here, I mean look at this guy's face. What a great intro.

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