Saturday, September 5, 2015

Downtown Provo

The first and most important thing I discovered about downtown Provo is the restaurant Brassas (or Brasas, depending on which sign you looked at). Though it's nothing more than a glorified taco stand, Brasas is probably the best Mexican food you can get around BYU. I don't live nearby, so I don't spend a lot of time downtown--apparently a lot of people know about the place, though. Then I discovered that there is a Christian church called The Rock that meets every Sunday. I used to go to a church called Rock Harbor so I might have to check that one out! The next thing I discovered was that the grounds to the new Provo temple are closed. That's a bummer. Then by asking an employee who was walking out, I discovered what Nu Skin does. They sell personal care products. I had no idea. Finally, I discovered this really cool pixelated mural of Albert Einstein on the side of a building.

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