Saturday, September 5, 2015

Perception: New Discoveries in Downtown Provo

I live very close to Center Street and walk up and down the street pretty often, so this was a very eye-opening assignment for me! The first thing I noticed as I walked was this terrible, terrible bush that I've probably passed a million times and never paid attention to but OW look at those thorns! You would never guess that it was covered in thorns because it's not a rose bush and it doesn't look very threatening unless you get really, really close to it or happen to bump into it and feel the sting. Ouch. I also walked past a little table looking thing on University Ave that I had never really paid any attention to before. My husband thought it was a fire pit and I thought it looked like one of those high, cocktail tables from far away. We crossed the street and realized it was actually just a trash can and a place to put cigarettes out...we had just never taken the time to see what it really was! A frustrating discovery was this UPS drop-off located right smack dab on 100 N and University Ave. So all of those times I googled a post office nearby or drove to the WILK to mail my mission letters and packages, there was one right here on the corner of the street...pretty crazy. Another funny discovery was this indoor fountain...As I was casually strolling down the street and examining the different buildings and looking inside, I was super shocked when I looked inside one and saw this massive fountain...right in the middle of the office! Kind of a crazy addition to the room. Lastly, my favorite discovery was these trees. In front of Central Bank, there are probably six of these trees on the sidewalk in front of the building that really give the it a pop of color. Up until today, I totally thought they were real. Then, as I got closer and closer, I realized they're not: the trees are totally plastic. I never would have known if I didn't take the time to get closer and really examine them! Those sneaky bankers...

1 comment:

  1. I love the macro shot of the thorny bush–it sort of tells a story all its own! Do you remember the building that had the fountain?
