Monday, December 5, 2011

Reading will never disappear, but the novels may start to.

Yes our generation definitely does not read books as much anymore. My mother, however, still believes that reading books is the best leisure activity ever. She and her reading buddies always read the books before the movies come out because they believe that "the book is always better than the movie." As I do agree that the effect of technology is hurting our generation on the interest of books, I also think that the technology of the iPad and Kindle are helping the book industry. Making books more accessible, cheaper, and easier to read is great for those who enjoy reading and invite new readers to join culture. Having books at their fingertips and creating a feature that suggests more books similar to the one read previously is another great way to keep the readers intrigued. I do know that facebook, movies, and adventures take up most of our time today, but where would all the ideas come from if it weren't for the books. Most movies played in theaters have some relation or are based off a book or true story written down. Now or in the future, all people will always have their personal likes and dislikes about reading, but let's face it. Nothing can replace reading a letter to Santa by a five year old, a textbook for a class, or the Bible. Whether reading something long or short, reading will always be needed and learned to survive.


  1. That is a good point about Ipads and Kindles bringing new readers to the culture. I'm a little old fashioned; I still like real, paper books, but as technology evolves, we must also.

  2. Good point about movies and books. I think books won't die, but they may have greater importance in the movie theaters than on bookshelves now.
