Monday, December 12, 2011


    I feel that it is true that we don't read books as much. I feel like everything is becoming so simple visually. I feel like it is already affecting our society. Nearly everyone uses some kind of social network online and the majority of the content is visual.
    I feel like it's a good thing in some aspects, we are learning to communicate visually, however I do feel like there are some drawbacks. We do not read as much as we used to. I feel like the vocabulary of this current society is dwindling and I feel like it will continue to get worse.
    The visual culture has also made us a little lazy in terms of digesting text. When I open an email and it is really long I have no motivation to read it. Part of me just wants the summary of long text in one line, so I don't have to read. I am trying to combat this. My wife reads tons of books and every now and again we will go to Barnes and Noble to get a book each, however so far I haven't finished any of them. I prefer picture books!
    I believe that if you read and fill your head with more than visual things you will have more of an advantages in a lot of things. With more knowledge you have more potential for creativity, because there's more ideas in your head and sadly the future society won't have that potential if they can't sit still and read. So it's my goal to do that.

1 comment:

  1. I like your point about the digesting of information. I totally agree with this. If I see long body copy, or like you mention, a long email, I'm prone to skim it or skip it all together. I also have the same problems with books as you. I have good intentions to finish a lot of books, but never do. I always get started on one, and then half way through or so, I'll start a different book. This happens until I have 3-4 books I'm "reading" and in the end, none of them get finished.
