Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Apparently We're All Obsessed With Cops Now

Cops are being questioned daily in the news as a threat instead of the people that risk their lives every day to protect the people of this nation. They’re portrayed as brutal and not thinking about what they’re doing. They shoot at will, whether the citizens they’re interacting with are real threats or not. While this narrative may have some truth, overall it’s not in the public's best interest to give this story to all cops.
    By automatically assuming that all cops are a threat to our safety they will begin to do the same to us as citizens. They will start to be more fearful of what they have to do every day, and that pressure can put them on edge. Since they’re not entirely comfortable and confident in their position that is when mistakes can happen. They are just regular people too who make a mistake just like anyone else. They have to make split-second decisions involving deadly force, and sometimes they’re wrong, and it’s tragic, but that isn’t a reason to attack all police officers.
    I don’t think that it’s fair to attack police officers via the media. They sacrifice so much to ensure that we can all live safe lives, and if we start to destroy that, I’m scared for what the world could become. Some people want to get rid of police officers, and that is not a smart idea. If anything just has a strict screening process or give them more training so that in the heat of a moment they can make more intelligent decisions, but if we get rid of our everyday heroes we won’t have any heroes left to protect us.

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