Sunday, May 11, 2014

1 Assignment - 5 Senses.

     For this assignment, I chose to choose the option that I thought would be most difficult for me to do.  It turned out to be creatively tracking time.  At first I had no idea how to do this or what it even really meant.  Then I thought to myself, "How would I know what time it was without the aid of a clock or without being able to see the exact position of the sun".  I did this while on my living room couch and found there were multiple ways I could guess what time it was give or take a half an hour.  First I could use the aid of the sun through the windows.  Depending on which window was giving off the most amount of light and knowing which way was East and which way was West, this was pretty simple.  But then I said to myself "we're supposed to be CREATIVE!".  So I started thinking of other ways.  I knew my next door neighbor usually get's home between 4:30-5:00 on Saturdays, so whenever I heard him come through his door, I knew it would be around that time.  We can also hear the train every hour or so if you listen intently.  This would definitely help at night when there's not much else to help.  If my heater started to run more, that means it was getting colder outside, which usually starts to happen about an hour after complete sundown, or around 9 pm.  The outside lights usually come on around 7 pm.  Two houses down, I have a neighbor who takes his dog for a walk every morning around 6 am, that would help in the morning until the sun came up.  I guess that point is, I didn't have to solely rely on one visual aid or even one sense.  The more observant I become, I guess the more I can appreciate things around me.

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