Sunday, May 5, 2019


"Absence" what a serious, and melancholy word. A word that holds a lot of meaning and a lot of pain for some people. This short video about absence is pretty comical. What a fun way to approach something so sad. I really appreciate how this artist approached the topic. His writing was incredible and I loved the illustration styles. This type of creativity where it pairs two pretty unlikely things. It makes a heavy subject light, and is pretty funny along the way. I also think maybe the artist didn't really have a huge agenda to make this a very impactful and meaningful video. It's just funny. And weird. I think it's cool when artists are willing to let their imagination go there. To be out of the box, and strange. Although, I think being "weird" is a complex for some people. Especially creatives. It's this thing that makes you stand out and be different. But when people strive for this in an unnatural way it sort of cancels itself out. It takes away the humanness of your work because you are making it to be something you are not. So I'd say just be yourself. Because in the end we as people are all SO different. Make things you think are funny, make stuff you think looks good, write a story you think is interesting because in the end your true self will show through.

Anyways I'll get off my soapbox now.


  1. I totally agree with the things you said about being weird as an artist! My husband always jokes that when he's walking across campus he knows exactly what students are majoring in the arts and what students are majoring in the sciences, purely based off of what they're wearing. In his mind, people that spend a lot of time in the HFAC/Brimhall look, dress, and act differently than the people that spend a lot of time in the Benson, when in reality there's a lot more variations of "creatives" than just the stereotypical "edgy" appearance...if that made sense.

  2. I really like what you said. Authenticity is the most important thing in art. In storytelling, there are seven plots. Nothing is unique except for your perspective and what's authentic to you.

  3. I think that being authentic to your true self is SO IMPORTANT, and not just for creativity. I really like what you said about in the end we are all just different. It is so easy in the world today to be wrapped up trying to please people. We are all so different so make sure the only person you are trying to please it yourself.

  4. I'd like to just comment on the creative execution here. I love the use of animation mixed with live-action footage to bring together this piece. It's a simplistic art style yet it was effective at being both entertaining and telling a coherent story with a message. It really inspires me because it's a good reminder that we don't need tons of lights and cameras and other expensive equipment to tell stories. If we have an idea and a passion to express it, we will find a way to do so no matter how simple or complex.

  5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" Wow, such an awesome line. I love how how this poem plays with the fact that it cannot rhyme but then it rhymes anyways. I love that. I watched it like 5 times. The part where the heart shoves the phone into itself is kinda disturbing but it's exactly how I feel when someone I love doesn't answer their phone. The fart was also hilarious. Because when were alone we don't care about farting haha. Love this.

  6. this is awesome. I loved the style and tone a lot but the content was really interesting as well. The windows desktop screen made me laugh. I too think there's a lot of beauty in being in a state of absence, where you have longing and want to push yourself more into gaining what you are longing for.
