Monday, May 20, 2019

Blog Post 3

I've always loved the work of Steve McCurry. His photographs are easily recognizable, and I think he does a great job of capturing the essence of a culture in a single image. I love scrolling through the series on his website and seeing all the different cultures side by side. Here's a link to one of my favorite series of his, called Getting There:

I especially love this series because it reminds me that there is a big world out there. It puts my own life and experiences into perspective. Some of these pictures are relatable, but some I can't even imagine living the life that is photographed. This series reminds me that there is so much left that I haven't done and haven't experienced. This series inspires me to experience more of what life has to offer and then use that as inspiration for my work.

I also like this series because it seems like a simple idea: to photograph people as they are just going about their lives. I think this is a good example of an idea that was executed really well. It could have been a really big miss if these photos weren't as engaging or visually appealing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are so cool!!! This makes me want to travel the world and just takes pictures of everything I see. I think it is difficult to take pictures of people in their daily lives because as soon as they notice that your taking a picture they may change their normal behavior, so the idea of being a photographer is kinda like being a spy of sorts. So cool!
