Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Creative Assignment #5

I'm fighting for a lot in my life. Some serious, some tongue-in-cheek. But I think that there is one thing I'm fighting for that's unique from anyone else I know: good-natured, helpful film criticism.

I'm sick of the Internet-housed, negative discourse right now. Peoples' opinions are amplified in their own echo chambers on Twitter and Reddit and then pretty soon a movie that was actually pretty well-made for what it was trying to be is attacked for having "plot holes" or for being "just awful" when really it wasn't. And you can inverse that, too. Plenty of people having blind praise for a film that just really wasn't THAT good. I think that it's important to have a happy medium. To recognize that there are different audiences for different films. To expand your palette and watch lots and lots of different types of movies.

That's what I aim to do with my Instagram page, Stockbuster Film Reviews. My wife and I started this last summer and we love reviewing movies in quick, succinct little blurbs that help our followers decide what type of movie this is and if they would enjoy it, depending on their own tastes.

So yeah, out of all the things I could post on here....I'm going to declare that I'm fighting for good-natured, helpful film criticism. Because at the end of the day, movies deserve to be loved and appreciated for what they are. Not for what some recluse on Reddit thinks it should have been.

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