Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Creative Assignment #5

I'm fighting for my own (verbal) words. If you ask me a question, I'll stutter and trip over my words a million times and I've been like this for as long as I can remember. It's really rare that I can effortlessly express a thought verbally. Even if, to the listener, my words are clear concise, there is a lot more focus that goes into a few simple sentences for me. If I'm telling a story, I'll get details mixed up and leave out crucial pieces. Or if I'm trying to get someone to understand my perspective or opinion on a topic, I get nervous that I won't be able to do so accurately and I get even more frazzled. As a result, I'm constantly tempted to just give up trying to express a thought which is more often than that either problematic or just annoying. And a lot of the time, I actually do give up! You'll hear me say "well, nevermind" or "ugh, its too hard to explain" more often than anyone else. With that, I always say that my closest friends are the ones who refuse to finish my sentences and/or force me to finish them on my own.

The interesting thing is that I have virtually no problem explaining and expressing my ideas through writing. And again, even as a little girl, I remember finding it a lot easier to write things down. Writing is relaxing for me while speaking is somewhat taxing and usually unsatisfying. And I'm definitely not saying this because I'm a copywriter or something because I wouldn't consider myself one at all; my experience with both forms of communication is just so opposite.

Finding the words I want to say is my daily fight that I'm used to but it's still a fight, nonetheless.

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