Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blog Post 2: Old Spice x Hulu

I saw this ad this week and want to hear what other people think about it:

I was surprised when I saw it because I really did think it was another Old Spice ad at the beginning. Then when it switched to Hulu I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'm torn between finding it clever and finding it lazy. On one hand I think it was smart to play off of such a successful campaign. On the other hand, I think it's not very creative to ride the coattails of another campaign.  Obviously the goal was to mimic the style of the Man Your Man Could Smell Like campaign, but it's interesting that an idea that was once so creative and unique can suddenly feel stale. says that Hulu teamed up with P&G on this one, and their respective ad agencies worked together to create the final product. I'd be interested in hearing what other people's impressions are!


  1. I thought it was smart, hulu has been pairing with other brands for a long time with their advertising and promotions and this is kind of their style. I think it works because the execution is well done and you can tell it was intentional. I personally laughed when it came up on my Instagram and watched it 3 times.

  2. I think what makes it okay is that Hulu and Old Spice aren't really competitors in any way so it's kind of just a fun joke hahaha I like it

  3. I was feeling the same way. I saw it and though it would be another old spice ad. The ad is really smart in that it gets people's attention, but it leaves you disappointed by its lack of originality. A lot of ads do that today it seems, they compete with other brands' ads.

  4. It is a fun poke at the old spice ads for sure, but I would put this is the lazy advertising pile. I like the fact that they own the idea that no one wants to see ads so you should pay for Hulu, but I also don't like it because it digs up the insight that most consumers don't like ads--and they have good reason to--because most ads are annoying. The best ads are the ones that leave you changed, even if it's just a change of thought. I hope to see more ads that work hard to change perceptions.
