Monday, May 6, 2019

The Creative Growth Art Center

Image result for creative growth art center


  1. When I was younger my elementary school dedicated one day of every school year to learn about different disabilities. One year they changed the name of the day from "Disability Awareness Day" to "Ability Awareness Day" and the whole focus shifted from what people couldn't do to what they could do and even talents they wouldn't have had otherwise. That's what these remind me of! It's really interesting to see how these artists are expressing the unique parts of themselves or using unique methods to express them based on what kinds of things they deal with and how they understand things. I love it!!

  2. Art is such a powerful form of expression, especially for individuals with disabilities. I worked a lot in the best buddies organization in high school and when we were paired up with the students who had developmental disabilities, a lot of the time they wanted to participate in activities that had to do with art. The things they created were amazing and when you talked with them to see what they were creating it was even more amazing. It was a way that they were able to express themselves and they really valued the time they spent creating.

  3. Super super cool. I tried making an advertising campaign that gave a creative voice to people with intellectual disability but I didn't nail it anywhere near as great as this did. I too believe everyone has potential to use creativity to change the world, and art is a powerful form of expression that gets people outside of themselves and share their voice with the world. I think everyone can be impacted by those with special needs who express themselves creatively.
