Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Creative Assignment 5

Something that is impacting me tremendously right now is mental illness, and not necessarily my own mental health, but the mental health of those closest to me that is making me fear how they are struggling. I lost a roommate to suicide a couple years ago and I constantly fear the safety of those around me who struggle with coping with their own mental health.

I'm fighting for good mental health, I'm fighting for a change of culture in the world that promotes more love, peace, and acceptance. I have often struggled with insincerity and levity but I am really trying to become more genuine and understanding of people. I'm trying to become a better listener. It takes little steps at improvement every day but I feel like I'm improving each day.

Here's a one-off ad I made for the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education after my friend Zac passed away. It was more of a reminder to me than a declaration to everyone else.

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