Monday, May 13, 2019

Creative Assignment 4

Something I've always wanted to do is create a cartoon of some kind. I grew up watching a lot of Spongebob, scooby doo, rocket power, adventure time, etc etc. I think anime is an incredible art form as well, even though I don't get extremely into anime movies and shows. I also love music and grew up watching a TON of music videos. I wish MTV were still just filled with good music videos.

Some of my favorite music videos I've seen are from the band Gorillaz. They are a music+art project of one musician (Damon Albarn) and an artist (Jamie Hewlett). the "band" is comprised of 4 made up gorillaz in cartoon form with back stories, and in all their music videos, these 2D characters are doing something in live action form, something that coincides with the music Damon records.

Something I'd love to do is either make a music video or short film with 2D and live action elements. Something like "Who framed roger rabbit". All I really know how to do is cartoonize and illustrate characters, but I really don't know how to animate or insert into live action film. I would need to assemble a team of people more talented than me and have the vision and make it a reality with them.

Last summer I wanted to cartoonize a girl ice skating in a real ice skating rink to the tune of "Out there on the ice" by Cut Copy, this fall I wanted to make an anime of 4 characters that would represent the Hi Chew Brand, and I still think it would be amazing to do.

I want to create 2D people and pair them with a live action world, perhaps tell a story in a short film about what it might be like to struggle with mental illness and pretend like everything is ok, or what it might be like to struggle with addiction, or someone who struggles with heartbreak. I still need to work out the details but i do want to do something unique like that.

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