Monday, May 6, 2019

The Power of Sleep

This article is all about how lack of sleep is literally killing you.
It touches on the societal norm that the more successful you
are, the less sleep you get. We treat lack of sleep like a badge
of honor and we shouldn’t because lack of sleep is detrimental.

This isn’t necessarily about creativity but I think it covered something
that is really important to our creativity: taking care of ourselves.
Our best work will happen when we are taking care of our bodies and

Something that I have been super obsessed with recently is self-care.
It is a really big fad right now so everyone and their dog has an opinion
on the best way to do it, what is classified as “self-care”, and alllll the DIY
face mask recipes. It has been really interesting to research about this topic
and the impacts it  can have on my life. As a creative person, it sometimes
feels like it is necessary to burn the midnight oil, that I will have an idea
come in clutch at the last possible moment and my best work happens late at
night. Many times, this makes me lose extreme amounts of sleep. I know that
I have room to grow, but reading more about how vitally important sleep
has sparked something in me that made me wonder if my work would
be better if I made sure I was more healthy over all.

So let’s try to get a week of a full 8 hours every night and see what
the power of sleep unlocks in our work.


  1. I love this! I agree with your comments about sometimes feeling pressure to stay up late and pull a creative idea out of thin air. I remember in high school my mom would always tell me that if I always relied on my late night thoughts/ideas then I would be living far beneath my potential. The older I get the more I realize how right she was! I'm going to make a more concentrated effort to get a full eight hours of sleep so I can perform my best.

  2. I looove this thought. And I like what you said about wearing lack of sleep as a badge of honor because that is just too true, especially in college haha. I feel like our society is so advanced that we forget we need the most basic things to improve! It's interesting to think about what our lives would look like if we and everyone around us was adequately rested! Would we be advancing more quickly? What ideas have passed us by because we were a little too tired to really take hold of them?

  3. I love this! Sleep is crucial to everything, especially creativity. I feel that with the more I learn and the more skills I develop, it becomes increasingly important to be able to recharge each day and get well-earned sleep.

  4. I relate to this big time. When I was applying to the Advertising program, I remember talking to some of my friends who were already in the program. They mentioned all the sleep they were not getting and the actions they took to pump out creative work in mass amounts. When they would comment about the 4 hours of sleep they got they just laughed and said "Welcome to the AdLab". Now that I am in the program I have already started to see this myself. Late nights followed by long days of shooting really leave me feeling burned out. I've had to take a stand sometimes and battle between wanting to appear successful and hardworking by burning that midnight oil, and getting to bed early. It's not always easy to do, but this article is a good reminder as to why it's important to get sleep!

  5. Awesome article. not only do I feel a lot better when I get 8 hours a night, but also when I'm going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. I've noticed a big difference in my mood each day when I've taken better care of myself first. Thanks for sharing!
