Sunday, May 5, 2019

Burger King on Mental Illness

I just found out that Burger King is mocking McDonalds with their own version of the happy meal. They are raising awareness of mental illness by highlighting that not everyone is happy all the time. In their campaign #FeelYourWay they are releasing pissed meals, blue meals, salty meals, YAAS meals, and DGAF meals.

I can totally see burger king's fans buying into their pranking culture by getting a "DGAF" meal when they literally don't give a f***, but I also think it's a bold move that could alienate children that eat at burger king, as parents likely wouldn't want their kids to have a "pissed" meal as a free ticket to being pissed the rest of the day.

I always find it interesting what burger king is doing and I like their prankster culture so I wonder how this campaign will pan out for them.


  1. I think this is awesome. I'm a big fan of how Burger King has been rebranding themselves recently, with the Whopper Detour thing and now this. Burger King's brand voice is becoming more and more lighthearted, but like you said, #FeelYourWay highlights the more serious reality that not everyone is happy all the time. It'll be interesting watching this campaign develop and seeing if it takes off or not.

  2. Thought this was super interesting, but also something very difficult for Burger Kind to pull off. Their brand in recent years has been known for being outlandish, immature, and goofy, so to see them take a more serious tone is surprising. It is good because the brand takes a stance on the mental health trend. A very powerful trend right now.
