Monday, May 13, 2019

Blog Post #2 - Instagram

Pleasant Photography

              Last night, I stayed up later than I should have. Usually, in the event of breaking the bedtime barrier, I am scrolling through all the different apps on my phone without any rhyme or reason. It's an active attempt by my brain to prevent my body from what it wants to do naturally. Last night was different. Last night had some inkling of a purpose. I was not so much looking as I was studying an Instagram account of an old friend of mine. His follower count was something among 37,000, and it was obvious why. Each photo possessed a level of artistry and detail that made them stand out, and yet, there was uniformity throughout his whole page. His captions made the photos all the more intriguing, presenting the reader with either a quip or a short summary into his current life. His portraits seemed so effortlessly simple, yet recreating them would take serious creative effort. It is a shame that photography, in the age of social media, has become so oversaturated in its practice. Luckily, when true artistry can push past all the noise, a beautiful compilation of color and mastery of the natural world will break through.


  1. I toootally agree. Sometimes I think it means more when an artist is able to break through so much content or it gives them some kind of credibility. It's kinda the best when you find a true artist in the instagram world

  2. I really agree. I think Instagram is best when used as a tool to share with the world your art that can help others in some way, and isn't used as something to get validated by others

  3. A thought that came to mind while reading was how easy it is today to make content. With social media advances and cameras and software becoming easier and more available than ever to use, we see SO MUCH content out there. That's why it's super refreshing to see something that really stands out. Especially when you can make a connection with it. Makes me want to work harder to make meaningful things.

  4. I agree that the photography world has become oversaturated, but it’s so refreshing to find an artist to push past all the clutter. You should add some of his work/his handle to this post; I’d love to see!

  5. I follow certain artists on IG and I always get stuck. I had to put a time limit on my use of social media because if I start looking at cool photography, I just wont stop haha.
