Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blog Post #2: Tween Surf Style

O S C A R   L A N G B U R N E

Like any sport, there is an entire culture and style that surrounds surfing. What's great about this little teen is that he is completely in the mix of it all but he has his own take on it. He is so young and already has such distinct taste and with that, a personal brand. He says he's been designing surfboards that look like this since he was 10 years old! It's honestly impressive that he has any unique style of his own, let alone one that is just really cool and a little off-beat from what you see in typical surfer style and other surfboard designs. 

Here's a little video of him doing his thing


  1. His style is so authentic, he is just being himself and I love it.

  2. It's so important to put your mark onto the objects that imprint their mark on you. His method brings the human aspect to the sport, which I think is very cool.

  3. This is a true passion project, especially because kids can be so passionate and creative. Makes me wish I had made more things as a kid and I wonder what I would have made as a passion project when I was 10.

  4. Super inspiring that such a young kid can make something like this. At 10 years old, I have no idea what I was doing but it sure wasn't this. Very cool.

  5. I totally got sucked into this video! This kid is GOOD at what he does. I have a cousin who is on his school’s surf team (which, for me, being from Idaho is still unreal that that is even a thing??) and he’s definitely your stereotypical surfer, but I can tell that this kid is working to brand himself in a different way.
