Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Creative Assignment #3

friendship is
a poem by me.

friendship is unconditional
it is kindness and it is strength. 

friendship is support
it is a quiet reassurance. 

friendship is vital to life
it is the air our soul needs to breathe. 

friendship is the good shepherd
it is the seventy times seven. 

friendship is trust
it is unwavering and pure.

friendship is a teacher
it is soulmates aligning for a moment. 

friendship, is vibrant
it is in all different forms. 

friendship is a calling
it is directed from above. 

friendship is. 

While writing this poem, I realized that some of the closest friends I have ever had are not just other humans. One of the best friends I have is my dog. There is something so pure about our relationship, and it really does make me a better person. He loves me unconditionally. He has provided some of the best support I have needed. So I photographed him. Enjoy!

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