Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Creative Assignment #1

Growing up, I loved airplanes. My room was decorated with them and many of my toys were inspired by aviation. However, one airplane toy in particular was my favorite. It was a metal model of an F-15 Eagle that had adorned the desk of my grandfather while he was in the military. He died before I was even one year old, but I had this model as a reminder of him. Over time, the plane however was put into storage and I haven't seen it in a very long time. For this creative assignment, I made a cardboard version of the toy. It's by no means close to the detail of the real toy, but it was fun to make and brought back the joy of playing with airplanes again.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool- especially because it looks like this thing can actually fly! love the story behind it
