Saturday, January 20, 2018

Perception 1

Having walked around the plaza many times over the past week, finding things that I had never seen or found interesting was surprisingly difficult. But after wandering for a while I started to find small details I didn’t notice at first glance. The first picture is the drain they have at almost every post in Alcala. It looks somewhat like a dragon or snake and I found it odd that I hadn’t seen it before. The second photo is from the backside of an old building in the plaza. I found it interesting because I had only seen the building from the front and at that angle it looked historical and well preserved, but when I saw the back it showed the modernization of the building and it was an interesting perspective. The next picture is of a lion with a wide mouth opening that was on the side of a building with no sign or anything to tell what it was or what it was for. Could it be for mail? If it was for mail, why was there no address sign or anything. It was an oddly random piece. The next picture is of a sign outside of a business I noticed. Something I didn’t expect when coming to Spain was the amount of English there would be in there clothing, music, restaurants, etc. and this sign was especially interesting because I didn’t understand what their connection with their cafeteria and the anatomy of a body was. The last picture was on the ground on a busy walking sidewalk in the plaza. It was a cool sign so I took a picture of it and then I look up what the words meant and it says bike path. I found that weird because I had never seen anyone ride a bike around there and it seemed like a busy walking area and it didn’t seem like a bike path at all. This assignment was interesting because it forced me to slow down and really pay attention to the things around me.

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