Monday, January 22, 2018

Perception Assignment One

Looking at this sign, I realized I had no idea what the 40 meant. A speed limit? That didn't make sense for a small one way street in the middle of town, at least if it's measured in mph, which it's probably not considering I think Spaniards use kilometers more than miles. 

All over Spain, there's a lot of writing and graffiti on the walls. These particular few letters were interesting to me because of the subtlety in their pop of yellow on maroon-- faded yet very present. It was painted onto a door on Calle Colegios. I wonder what it represented to whoever wrote it. Initials? Maybe.

First word I thought when I saw this door: Narnia. For sure. Not necessarily because it looks anything like a wardrobe, but the mystery in a door etched into a wall (camouflaged by brick) seems to have the same fantasy. In reality it's probably nothing more than an electrical box or something else practical and random. 

Most of the trees in Plaza de Cervantes have very strange, and very large, knots in them such as this one. I'm unsure what makes them this way, and why most of them have a similar abnormality close to the bottom of the trunk, but it creates a really intriguing layering of bark that's pretty much accidental art.

Dragon-esque designed gutter pipes? Epitome of artsy if I've ever heard it. On Calle Mayor, water collected in gutters on the buildings can trickle down through the neck of whatever kinda beaked animal this is. 


Paying attention to detail can be astoundingly rewarding. By taking time to walk and really look around in a place you've been many times before, you begin to have an new experience entirely. I always think I'm a fairly perceptive person, until I really focus on perception and noticing the small things. Without concentrated effort, my mind is usually too focused on my own thoughts and motivations and goals rather than noticing my surroundings. It's important-- and rewarding-- to actually look at the world. 

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