Sunday, October 26, 2014

Composition/Grids Assignment

For this assignment, I used an image from "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and then added a quote from the movie. 

I used asymmetrical symmetry to balance the image. Ben Stiller is on the left side of the image and the top half of his body is leaning in towards the center of the picture. To balance that, I put the quote on the right side of Stiller's body and I placed the quote towards the bottom of the image, using the rule of thirds. I feel like the color balances well in the picture. The background is beautiful, but the eye is drawn immediately to Stiller in his red shirt. I also tried to balance the picture by eye direction. You look first at Stiller (on the left) and then the eye continues to move from left to right, reading the quote. 

I chose a Helvetica font to keep things simple and stay true to the message of the image, which is that beautiful things don't beg for people's attention. They simply are beautiful and people notice it. I hope people are able to take that away from this image. 

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